What is Jen doing right now? She...

Monday, September 10, 2007


I was going to update the blog with Illinois stuff and Vegas stuff but I think I'm in a little over my head here. I need to stop editing pictures :)

We went to Illinois a little over a week ago and had a great time. Scott's old friend's sister got married and we went to that wedding. Unfortunately I didn't have the greatest camera with me so none of the pictures turned out. Saturday morning we went to the cheese festival with Spence.

Sunday we went to church where Spencer and Tuck supposedly started a tradition of going down to the river and watching the dogs play and throwing rocks. It was so cute seeing them do their little tradition together.

The rest of Sunday was spent getting ready for a huge cookout at Scott's parent's house. There were about 60 people there. Tuck purchased a bounce house for the kids and he also gave loader rides. It's a kids dream come true at their house! I can't wait until our kids can play there.

That pretty much sums up the trip...it was a great time as always.

Allison on the bounce house

Proud Grandparents


Sunday traditions


The loader

Spence and I went on a huge slide together at the Cheese Festival

Stay tuned for Vegas pics...


Anonymous said...

looks like someone is making good use of their new kubota actions! looking good!

regarding the flight... you poor thing!

Jen Elder said...

Oh yeah...love them thank you! Combine that with a few photoshop tips we got from Vegas and we're good to go. We just need a better lens now :)

Jen in Illinois said...

I love the pictures!! I copied some of them and posted them on myspace. You are getting really good!