What is Jen doing right now? She...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My First Post!

Well, I've decided to follow the crowd and begin a blog. I just think it's so neat to record your life and be able to capture the memories. Wow, sounds cliche. Seriously though, I read 4 blogs right now and although you think reading about people's every day lives may get boring (and especially those writing them think they're not interesting) they always are interesting to read. Our photographer Robin has a blog and it reminds me a lot of Summer's. They both include lots of pictures and that's what I hope to do. I love looking at pictures and I think they capture so much more than what we can say (more cliches...how original am I?) Plus we're photographers so we really have no excuse not to take pictures. My sister, Laura, and her friend Dodi are the other two blogs I read. They are moms and talk a lot about their busy lives as moms so needless to say they don't have many pictures :) Their lives are very different than mine so very interesting to read.

Anyway, thanks to those who have inspired me to blog (even to those who didn't know they inspired me...Summer and Dodi). Now the next question is, who do I send this link to?? Maybe I'll write a couple more then send it.

Happy Hump Day!

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