Having been several times before to the BW, my dad jumped on the opportunity to go with my sister. And it only seemed natural for both my brother and myself to go as well. The two times I've been were also with my dad and it was the best bonding we've ever had, I think my brother can agree (he's also been with him). My dad's dream had come true, all 3 of his kids were sharing this memorable time together.
My sister ended up really enjoying herself! It was only a 4 day trip so it wasn't too grueling. Here are some pictures that capture our trip well.
Me and my sister before the trip
Me taking a look at all that needs to be packed up
My brother slept under the stars EVERY night!
My sister carrying a canoe for the first time
My dad and his 3 kids
Me filtering some water for us to drink
Me and Matt near a huge uprooted tree
Me and Matt canoeing between 2 rocks...you can barely see us
Me and Laura toughin' it out while my younger stronger brother carries a lighter load
We stayed up waaaay too late talking thanks to the coffee we drank the night before
Matt and Dad mapping out our route for the next day
Me tending the fire at our campsite...it was cooold.
Cooking dinner
Me single portaging
Laura single portaging
Dad looking for the best spot to take pictures of a beaver
Dad getting a shot of the rapids...can you see him?
Laura and Dad at the end of the trip
It indeed was a dream come true. All three kids in the BWCAW. Guess the next one will include some grandkids. Just as cool!
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